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Refund Policy
We are confident that you will be satisfied with our amazing line of VINIA products. However, if you are not completely satisfied with your VINIA products, you may simply return any unused VINIA within 90 days of purchase and we will refund the purchase price as stated in a valid receipt. In addition, we will cover the cost of return shipping. To authorize your return and cover the return postage cost, please contact us at or call 1 -888-882-2023. In the event that Products are returned, it shall be returned in their original packaging.

Please note that our 90-day Product guarantee only applies to the Customer’s first purchase of products, and the products must be purchased directly from If your refund request is outside of the 90-day guarantee, we are unable to issue a refund or offer credit. Additionally, if you cancel your subscription and reactivate that same subscription at a later date, you are no longer eligible for a refund.

Refunds will be effected via the same method of payment used to order VINIA (i.e. credit card, debit card or Third Party Payment Processors). Please allow up to 30 days from when we receive the returned VINIA package (with respect to cancellations made before the product was shipped, 30 days from when the cancellation request was submitted), for the credit to appear in your account. Keep in mind that some refunds may take over 30 days from the purchase date to be processed.

Refunds will be effected via the same method of payment used to order VINIA (i.e. credit card, debit card or Third Party Payment Processors). Please allow up to 30 days from when we receive the returned VINIA package (with respect to cancellations made before the product was shipped, 30 days from when the cancellation request was submitted), for the credit to appear in your account. Keep in mind that some refunds may take over 30 days from the purchase date to be processed.